This toolkit provides explainers of key surveillance software and terminologies. Quite importantly, it also provides resource links to open-source software and digital security software, which journalists can explore and use to protect their privacy online.
Digital rights
Worrying decline in media freedom in Southern Africa
Statement on Southern African countries ranking in the 2022 World Press Freedom Index
Journalism safety and security a priority ahead of 2023 national elections
This is a statement on this year`s commemorations of the World Press Freedom Day
MISA launches second regional press freedom report
This document is based on country reports for Angola, Botswana, eSwatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
State of the Media 2021 report now available!
The 2021 state of the media report looks at the media landscape and operating environment with regards to freedom of expression, access to information, digital rights, media sustainability and media freedom in Zimbabwe.
Analysis of the Data Protection Act
An analysis of the recently gazetted Data Protection Act of Zimbabwe.
Arbitrary social media surveillance cause for concern
MISA’s response to the recent announcement by the government of Zimbabwe of its setting up of a team to monitor social media.
Increase in data tariffs impediment to access to information
Comments on the recent increases in mobile data tariffs that are increasingly putting internet access out of reach for the ordinary citizen.
MISA appeals to Mnangagwa to decline signing Cyber Bill into law
“A strong cyber security and data protection framework is critical for the exercise and enjoyment of human rights, trade, increased investments and Zimbabwe’s socio-economic development.”
Recommittal of Cyber Security Bill in the Senate: Letter to Parly
The Cyber Security and Data Protection Bill which was gazetted in May 2020 and subjected to public hearings in July 2020, has now been recommitted in Senate following its passing in the National Assembly.