Access to information

It is a fundamental human right to ask for and receive, information held by public organisations and bodies. It is critically important to make sure that information held by the public, and in some cases private institutions is available and accessible to citizens in a form and/ or language understandable to them.

MISA Zimbabwe lobbies for the enactment of democratic access to information laws as the right to seek, access and receive information is guaranteed by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human RightsArticle 9 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and Article 4 of the Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression in Africa.  It is also provided for in sections 61 and 62 of the Zimbabwe constitution.

Therefore, this programme seeks to campaign for the public to enjoy their right to be informed through unrestricted access to information.

International Day for Universal Access to information

MISA Zimbabwe commemorates September 28th as International Day for Universal Access to Information. MISA Zimbabwe celebrates Universal Access to Information Day to raise awareness about the importance of the right of access to information in Zimbabwe and throughout the world and cast the spotlight on the challenges that hamper the enjoyment of this fundamental right.

Access to information and knowledge, free expression (online and offline), respect for cultural and linguistic diversity and quality education for all, are key pillars in building knowledge societies.

Access to information news from our chapters

Condolence message on the passing on of journalist Lucy Yasini

Condolence message on the passing on of journalist Lucy Yasini

The passing of senior journalist Lucy Yasini will undoubtedly create a void in the number of female journalists who report from the ‘frontlines’ in the otherwise male-dominated Zimbabwean media landscape. Yasini was always in the thick of things, toe-to-toe with her...

MISA Regional 2023 Annual Report (Now Available!!!)

MISA Regional 2023 Annual Report (Now Available!!!)

Expression in the Age of Fragmentation The world is more fragmented today than ever. Strife is more pronounced at a global scale, with conflicts degenerating to armed conflict. The number of people living in fragile states is perpetually on the increase, while more...



Introduction The United Nations Plan of Action on The Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity is anchored on four fundamental pillars of Prevention, Protection, Prosecution and Partnerships. With these four pillars in mind, MISA Zimbabwe accelerated and...