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Digital rights

Zimbabwe reduces mobile data rates

The Minister of ICT and Cyber Security Supa Mandiwanzira, this morning announced an almost 60% reduction in the cost of mobile data.

Omnibus cyber bill muddies fundamental rights

The proposed merging of the three cyber bills into one bill as recently announced by the responsible minister could result in the muddying and undermining of other fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution.

Zimbabwe experiences major internet blackout

MISA Zimbabwe calls on the government to develop internet back-up plans to avoid blackouts, after the country experienced a huge internet outage as a result of a technical failure.

Commentary series: Cybersecurity and Cybercrimes Bill

The Centre for Law and Technology Development and MISA Zimbabwe bring to you a commentary series on the third draft of the proposed Cybersecurity and Cybercrimes Bill (2017).  This analysis comes on the backdrop of fast-paced technological developments in the country...