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A Decade of Internet Freedom in Africa: Report Documents Reflections and Insights from Change Makers

2 Feb, 2024
This post was broadcasted from MISA Regional.
The Report features an interview with our Director Dr. T Moyo who is recognised by CIPESA as one of the 10 change makers in Internet Freedom in Africa. 

This special edition has been produced as part of the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the publication of the State of Internet Freedom in Africa (SIFA) report and the annual convening of the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica).

The first editions of SIFA and FIFAfrica were published and conducted in 2014, respectively. Since then, the annual State of Internet Freedom in Africa report has been instrumental in complementing the work of state and non-state actors by providing contextual information and generating evidence to inform ICT policymaking and practice, creating awareness on internet freedom issues on the continent, and shaping conversations by digital rights actors across the continent.

Looking back, Africa’s journey to achieve internet freedom has not been without challenges. There have been significant threats to internet freedom, evidenced by the rampant state censorship through internet shutdowns, surveillance, blocking and filtering of websites, and the widespread use of repressive laws to suppress the voices of key actors.

Furthermore, there remains a significant digital divide as limited access to the internet and digital devices, poor digital infrastructure, high cost of connectivity, and low digital literacy levels and skills continue to
plague the capacity of Africans to enjoy the full benefits of the internet. While many of these persist to some degree, new threats, such as disinformation, information manipulation, and cyber attacks, that could potentially be powered by artificial intelligence present new challenges to internet freedom.

The Report features an interview with our Director Dr. T Moyo who is recognised by CIPESA as one of the 10 change makers in Internet Freedom in Africa.

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About MISA

The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) was founded in 1992. Its work focuses on promoting, and advocating for, the unhindered enjoyment of freedom of expression, access to information and a free, independent, diverse and pluralistic media.

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