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Freelance journalist arrested

MISA-Zimbabwe Media Alert 27 June 2016 Freelance journalist James Jemwa was on 27 June 2016 arrested while filming people queuing outside banks in Harare’s Central Business District . According to...

Police arrest five journalists

MISA-Zimbabwe Media Alert 27 June 2016 Freelance journalists Garikai Chaunza, Christopher Mahowe, James Jemwa, Khumbulani Zamuchiya and Edward Gweshe were arrested in Harare on 26 June 2016 while...

Mushowe berates private media

The private media in Zimbabwe has been indicted for continuing to abet the West’s regime change agenda and Government is doing all it can to ensure that the media follow professional ethics....

Further remand for Beitbridge journalist

MISA-Zimbabwe Alert Update 20  June 2016 Beitbridge-based journalist Wellington Mukanhaire facing charges of breaching Section 78 (2)  of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act...

Zanu PF youths assault journalist

MISA-Zimbabwe Media Alert 20 June 2016 Albert Masaka a journalist with the weekly Standard newspaper was on 18 June 2016 reportedly assaulted by ruling Zanu PF youths who were on the rampage in...

New charges against Beitbridge journalist

MISA-Zimbabwe Alert Update 13 June 2016 Journalist Wellington Mukanhaire has been summoned by the State to appear in court yet again but on different charges following his February 2016 arrest in...

End nigh for six radio licence holders

by Prince Mushawevato The Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) has said that it will not be lenient with commercial radio stations that acquired broadcasting licences early last year if they...