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Freedom of expression

The future of expression in the age of intersectionalityย 

MISA conveys its condolences to the families and people of Mozambique following the loss of lives in the post-election conflict engulfing the country to date. As a country, Mozambique and its people sacrificed their national and personal prosperity by hosting several liberation movements until the entire southern African region was free.ย 

MISA Zimbabwe Analysis of the Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill

It provides that the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) regulates and manages the broadcasting service bands for sustenance rather than control, thereby aligning it with constitutional principles and international best practices. Its emphasis on enhancing transparency, fostering inclusivity, and promoting local content is commendable.

Zimbabwe should stay the course in reducing media freedom violations

Zimbabwe moved 10 places from 126 in 2023 to 116 in 2024 in Reporters Without Bordersโ€™s World Press Freedom Index rankings. This came on the backdrop of reductions in media freedom violations last year, culminating in an improved media operating environment during Zimbabweโ€™s 2023 election season.