The Commission’s resolution highlights the pressing need to update African media policy for the digital age.
Access to information
Navigating the Data Protection Act Requirements: Ensuring Compliance for Zimbabwean Data Controllers
The licence is valid for 12 months, contingent upon adherence to prevailing legislation, and requires renewal applications to be submitted three months before its expiry.
Proposed new law to govern social media platforms will over-regulate the digital space
The Declaration states that States must not interfere with individuals’ right to access and share information via any communication means, including digital technologies, unless such interference is strictly justified and complies with international human rights law.
End violence against women journalists: A call to action for Southern Africa
It was reported that at least 73% of women journalists had suffered online violence in one form or another.
Increased urgency and momentum key to addressing barriers and biases women face
Resolution 522 highlights and laments that, digital violence is increasingly gendered and disproportionately affects women, through inter alia threats of sexual violence, misogynistic disinformation campaigns and revenge pornography…
Shadow Report of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Information, Media and Broadcasting Services public hearings on the Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill H.B 9, 2024
Media freedom advocacy group, the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA Zimbabwe) and its partners in a network of journalistic professional associations and media support organisations, the Media Alliance of Zimbabwe (MAZ) participated in all seven (7) public hearings conducted throughout the country to shadow this public process and compile this report to enhance further policy discussions and parliamentary debates on the law.
MISA ZIMBABWE & MAZ Statement on passage of the Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill in the National Assembly
MISA Zimbabwe and MAZ are particularly disappointed by how the Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Honourable Jenfan Muswere, who is sponsoring the Bill in Parliament, seemingly disregarded the input of the people as obtained in the report of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Information, Media and Broadcasting Services.
The future of expression in the age of intersectionality
MISA conveys its condolences to the families and people of Mozambique following the loss of lives in the post-election conflict engulfing the country to date. As a country, Mozambique and its people sacrificed their national and personal prosperity by hosting several liberation movements until the entire southern African region was free.
Content Production and Practices in the Digital Age: Threats, Risks, and Opportunities
The digital age has transformed the content production landscape, making creating, distributing, and accessing information easier than ever. While this shift has ushered in unprecedented opportunities for innovation and inclusion, it has also introduced significant threats and risks that require collective effort to address.
Collective efforts vital in fighting gender-based violence
Resolution 522 highlights that: Digital violence is increasingly gendered and disproportionately affects women, through inter alia threats of sexual violence, misogynistic disinformation campaigns and “revenge pornography…”