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Tanzanian authorities ban radio and TV station

Tanzanian authorities ban radio and TV station
28 Aug, 2020
The Tanzanian Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) has banned Clouds FM and its sister station Clouds TV for seven days after it accused the two of violating broadcasting laws.

The Tanzanian Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) on 27 August 2020 banned Clouds FM and its sister station Clouds TV for seven days after it accused the two of violating broadcasting laws.

TCRA accuses the two of announcing the outcomes of the nomination process ahead of the October elections without approval from the National Electoral Commission.

The regulatory authority accused the two stations of broadcasting misleading statistics that some candidates for Member of Parliament positions had been nominated unopposed following the nomination process.

Following the announcement of the ban, the two stations were ordered to issue apologies on 27 August 2020, before the commencement of the suspension which was to begin the following day.

Weeks ago, a Clouds FM radio programme was banned after TCRA said it promoted immorality.

MISA Zimbabwe position

MISA Zimbabwe is concerned at the continued decline of media freedoms in Tanzania ahead of the October elections.

The authorities have issued a raft of measures that curtail the operations of the media at a time when the country is experiencing an onslaught on digital rights, of which we have already raised serious concern with these unfortunate developments.

MISA Zimbabwe calls on Tanzanian authorities not to resort to arbitrary regulations to curtail the operations of the media and instead be guided by African Union (AU) protocols and instruments such as the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR).

MISA Zimbabwe Regional Media Alert

About MISA

The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) was founded in 1992. Its work focuses on promoting, and advocating for, the unhindered enjoyment of freedom of expression, access to information and a free, independent, diverse and pluralistic media.

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