Statements and communiques
Content creators file court application against ZMC accreditation
The Zimbabwe Online Content Creators Trust (ZOCC) has filed an urgent chamber application with the High Court seeking an order for suspension of the Zimbabwe Media Commission’s (ZMC) accreditation...
Regional governments intensify crackdowns on media during COVID-19
As the continent commemorates Africa Day on 25 May 2020, it is worrying that the majority of Southern African countries, typical of fragile states, are taking advantage of the outbreak of the deadly...
Cybersecurity and Data Protection Bill entrenches surveillance
Introduction The advent of the Internet and related technological developments have been celebrated for providing platforms for widespread and ‘unrestricted’ exercise of freedom of expression and...
Govt should prioritise internet affordability as a human right
MISA Zimbabwe is calling for a reduction of data prices and engaging various stakeholders to promote the constitutional right to access to information which plays a crucial role in promoting public...
Implementing democratic media reforms is not rocket science!
This year’s World Press Freedom Day commemorations on 3 May 2020 come on the backdrop of Zimbabwe’s 40 years of independence and ahead of the 30th anniversary of the 1991 Windhoek Declaration in...
Curbing misinformation in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic
The amount of misinformation about the Coronavirus virus and alleged vaccines against it has given rise to unproductive and unwarranted debates on the state of the pandemic, its spread and impact....
Zim High Court orders police not to arrest journalists
Zimbabwe High Court judge Justice Manzunzu on 20 April 2020 ordered the police and other law enforcement agencies charged with enforcing the COVID-19 lockdown not to arrest, detain or interfere “in...
Zimbabwe at 40: Missed opportunities on media democratic front
Zimbabwe celebrates its 40 years of independence on 18 April 2020 against the backdrop of several missed opportunities to entrench the country’s democratic credentials, which is critical to...
MISA journalists court application hearing adjourned to Monday
The matter in which MISA Zimbabwe is seeking a High Court order interdicting police officers and other law enforcement agents from interfering with the work of journalists during the COVID-19...