Statements and communiques
MISA Zimbabwe Regional Solidarity Statement: Third Eswatini journalist assaulted this year
MISA Zimbabwe condemns the assault of Swaziland journalist Andile Nsibande by police officers and prison wardens on 30 August 2018 in what is becoming an increasingly worrying development involving...
MISA Constitutional Court urgent chamber application dismissed
Chief Justice Malaba this afternoon dismissed MISA Zimbabwe’s urgent chamber application after hearing it in his chambers. In the application filed at the Constitutional Court on 18 August 2018,...
Regional onslaughts against free expression retrogressive
MISA Zimbabwe stands in defence and solidarity with media practitioners in Tanzania, Mozambique, and Zambia in the wake of increasing onslaughts against media freedoms and the right to access to...
MISA Zimbabwe update on urgent chamber application
This is an update on the urgent chamber application filed by MISA Zimbabwe with the Constitutional Court on 18 August 2018 seeking permission to live stream the election challenge hearing scheduled...
MISA files urgent application to livestream hearing of election challenge
MISA Zimbabwe on 18 August 2018 filed an urgent chamber application at the Constitutional Court seeking the court’s permission for the live broadcasting and streaming of the election challenge to be...
Letter to ZEC: Concerns about the Media Monitoring Committee
13 June 2018 Justice Priscilla Chigumba Chairperson Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Nelson Mandela Street Harare Dear Madam, RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MEDIA MONITORING COMMITTEE MISA Zimbabwe writes...
Statement on World Telecommunication and Information Society Day
The World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) which is celebrated every year on 17 May is aimed at raising awareness on the potential of ICTs in spurring socio-economic...
BAZ issues Media Service licenses to Econet: MISA Zimbabwe position
On Thursday 3 May, Econet Zimbabwe issued notices in local print media announcing that it had acquired three Media Service Licences. The three licences are: Video on Demand License, Webcasting...
2018 World Press Freedom Day statement: Media reforms key to credible elections
This year’s World Press Freedom Day commemorations, coming on the verge of Zimbabwe’s elections, pose the greatest test to government’s commitment to constitutional democracy underpinned by...