Statements and communiques
Regional Solidarity Statement: Journalist detained in Malawi and deported
MISA Zimbabwe is concerned with the increase in cases involving attempts by government officials within the southern African region to curb legitimate media investigations. This follows the recent...
Statement on the announced repeal of AIPPA
On 12 February 2019, the Minister of Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services Monica Mutsvangwa announced that Cabinet had approved the repeal of the Access to Information and Protection of...
Statement on 2019 World Radio Day
MISA Zimbabwe joins the world in commemorating World Radio Day. This day is celebrated annually on the 13th of February and this year’s commemorations are being held under the theme: Dialogue,...
MISA calls for release of journalist from prolonged detention
MISA Zimbabwe joins the international community in calling for the immediate release of Mozambican journalist Amade Abubacar who has been in detention since 5 January 2019. Abubacar is a community...
MISA Zimbabwe appointed member of the SADC IGF Multi-Stakeholder Coordinating Team
The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Zimbabwe has been appointed to the Multi- stakeholder Coordinating Team of the Southern African Development Community Internet Governance Forum (SAIGF)....
ZBC live broadcast throttled during Commission of Inquiry hearings
Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation’s live television broadcast went offline on two separate occasions while MDC Alliance leaders gave their respective testimonies to the Commission of Inquiry into...
Media rights defenders detained under unclear circumstances
MISA Zimbabwe joins the international community in condemning the overnight detention of Angela Quintal, Africa programme coordinator with the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and its sub-...
Statement on International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists
As the world commemorates the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists on 2 November, MISA Zimbabwe is greatly concerned with the upsurge in the number of cases involving...
Government to prioritise media law reforms
The government says it will prioritise the alignment of all media laws with the constitution during the coming year, Nick Mangwana, the secretary for Information, Publicity and Broadcasting has...