Home 9 Media Violation 9 VOA journalists denied access to cover Zanu PF conference

VOA journalists denied access to cover Zanu PF conference

29 Oct, 2023

What happened

Annahstacia Ndlovu and Kudzanai Musengi  journalists with the Voice of America  Studio 7 were on  26 October 2023 reportedly denied access to cover the ruling Zanu PF’s annual conference which kicked off in the Midlands capital of Gweru on 27 October 2023.

According to Ndlovu, she only discovered that they were not on the list of journalists accredited to cover the conference after travelling from Bulawayo to Gweru in preparation to cover the event. 

She said prior to this development they had submitted their application letters to cover the conference. Ndlovu said they duly received confirmation that their letters had been received, only to be advised that their names were not on the list of accredited journalists upon arrival in Gweru. 


MISA's position

MISA Zimbabwe reiterates its call for all responsible authorities, to always promote equality and non-discrimination as espoused in the Constitution of Zimbabwe.  

This entails ensuring that all media houses and journalists are provided equal opportunity to undertake their professional duties in the spirit of media pluralism and diversity. 

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The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) was founded in 1992. Its work focuses on promoting, and advocating for, the unhindered enjoyment of freedom of expression, access to information and a free, independent, diverse and pluralistic media.

Latest media violations

Those affected:
Annahstacia Ndlovu and Kudzanai Musengi  journalists with the Voice of America  Studio 7
Number affected:
ZANU PF Security Officers
Types of actors: