By Gibson Mhaka Times are changing, albeit negatively, for the print media in the wake of challenges posed by the new media. It is no longer business as usual as smart phones, social media and the internet are usurping the traditional media’s role of breaking stories....
Media freedom
Airtel Kenya named top telecomm brand on social media in Africa
NAIROBI, KENYA: Airtel Kenya is Africa’s top social media brand in telecommunication in the latest Africa Brand Index Rankings. The Company has been ranked position one for its outstanding use of social media platforms in customer engagements. In the new rankings...
Dithering broadcasters to lose licenses
The government may soon be forced to revoke radio licenses issued to some prospective commercial radio broadcasters who are still yet to start operating, a parliament portfolio committee member has said.
Zimbabwe government pledges protection of journalists
The Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services, Christopher Mushohwe on 3 May 2016 pledged the protection and security of journalists during the course of their work as well as alignment of Zimbabwe’s media laws with the Constitution. In a statement to...
MISA Zimbabwe World Press Freedom Day 2016 statement
On the occasion of the 2016 World Press Freedom Day and 25th Anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration MISA-Zimbabwe notes with great concern government’s lethargy in implementing media law reforms almost three years after enactment of Zimbabwe’s 2013 Constitution. This...
World press freedom: MISA Zimbabwe’s successes and challenges
This week as we celebrate World Press Freedom Day, we will be publishing articles on the media landscape in Zimbabwe and to kick-start the articles today, we look at Media Institute in Southern Africa (MISA) Zimbabwe’s challenges and successes over the years.
Parliament renounces stringent accreditation requirements
The Clerk of Parliament Kennedy Chokuda has renounced earlier stringent accreditation requirements for journalists who cover parliament requiring them to be first cleared by the police. This followed severe criticism by journalists and the media industry after...
MISA petitions for transformation of ZBC into a public service broadcaster
MISA-Zimbabwe on 24 June, 2015, commissioned its petition for the transformation of the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) into a truly representative and independent public service broadcaster as part of its broadcasting diversity campaign. The petition will be...
Gearing up for World Press Freedom Day 2015
On 3 May 2015, MISA’s network of national chapters across southern Africa will join people around the world in celebrating World Press Freedom Day (WPFD). See below for details of MISA activities around the region and contact your local MISA Chapter for more...