The rise of digital technologies has presented new challenges in terms of the legislative environments in the region.
Media violations
MISA Zimbabwe 2022 State of the Media Report (Now Available)
While Zimbabwe is commendably not among the African countries with jailed journalists, the country witnessed an upsurge in the number of cases involving the assaults of journalists at political gatherings/rallies, with some sustaining injuries for which they sought medical treatment.
Statement to the ACHPR on the right to freedom of expression in Southern Africa
As we celebrate the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day, it is sad to note that this comes at a time when the media and the peoples of Southern Africa continue to face various challenges in their respective countries.
Southern Africa improves on media rankings but more needs to be done
Commenting on the latest rankings, MISA Regional Director Tabani Moyo said there was need to sustain the quest for media freedom and build on the improvements over the past year.
MISA Regional World Press Freedom Day Statement
Thus, the theme for this year’s World Press Freedom Day – Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights – is quite apt as it serves as a reminder of the centrality of freedom of expression in the enjoyment of all other human rights.
New MISA Zimbabwe Legal & ICT Policy Lead
MISA Zimbabwe welcomes Ms Sithole to the organisation to lead one of our organisational strategic pillars in these complex moments in our socio-economic and political environment in Zimbabwe and the region at large.
Governments should come up with punitive measures for crimes against journalists
The event, which coincided with the 10th anniversary of the United Nations Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, was jointly organised by MISA, UNESCO, the Government of Zimbabwe (Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services), Media Monitors and the International Media Support (IMS).
AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER An analysis of trends in AMBs for 28 countries over 11 years
Since its inception, the AMB has served as a trusted source of information on the state of media environments and key developments in freedom of the press, freedom of expression, and access to information in many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Welcome remarks to 10th Anniversary of the United Nations Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists Africa Commemorations
Without wanting to preempt today’s discussions, may I invite you to remember the four Ps on the safety of journalists – Prevention, Protection, Prosecution and Partnerships. This illustrates that we all have a role in promoting the safety of journalists from the media, civil society, the police and judiciary, and our governments.
MISA Regional Statement on International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists
This year’s commemorations should serve as a reminder of the commitments made under the UNPA to promote a free and safe environment for journalists and media workers.