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Asakhe Online seeks permission to livestream election court cases

12 Jul, 2023
Asakhe Online is seeking permission to use cellphones and or video cameras to livestream and broadcast the proceedings to the public through the internet in an orderly and unobtrusive manner.

A Bulawayo-based media organisation Asakhe Online filed an urgent chamber application with the High Court seeking permission to livestream cases that are pending before the court concerning challenges to the acceptance of nomination papers of various candidates in the Nomination Court.

The application was filed on 7 July 2023.

However, in a letter dated 10 July 2023, the applicants were advised by the Registrar of the High Court that High Court judge Justice Ndlovu had ruled that the matter is not urgent, and that the application should be brought before the individual judges concerned in open court.

The matters that Asakhe Online is seeking to broadcast live have meanwhile been postponed to 19 July 2023.

The application was based on the High Court jurisdiction to regulate its own processes as per Section 13 of the High Court Act (Chapter 7:06).

Asakhe Online is seeking permission to use cellphones and or video cameras to livestream and broadcast the proceedings to the public through the internet in an orderly and unobtrusive manner.

Ncube Attorneys representing the media house stated that the primary objective of the application is the promotion of freedom of expression and access to information which is critical to Asakhe Online’s work. It is further stated that the matters are of public interest.

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The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) was founded in 1992. Its work focuses on promoting, and advocating for, the unhindered enjoyment of freedom of expression, access to information and a free, independent, diverse and pluralistic media.

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