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Digital Rights School: Digital rights from a feminist perspective

16 Sep, 2022
The Digital Rights School is targeting individuals from civil society, government, media or the legal profession in Zimbabwe. The training will be conducted virtually.

Call for applications: Digital rights from a feminist perspective 

MISA Zimbabwe in partnership with Internews (Greater Internet Freedom Project) is calling for applications from individuals interested in receiving training in digital rights under the theme: Promoting digital rights from a feminist perspective.

The Digital Rights School is targeting individuals from civil society, government, media or the legal profession in Zimbabwe. The training will be conducted virtually.

The deadline for applications is Wednesday, 21 September 2022.

Kindly register for the training through this link. 


Please find below the proposed curriculum and training dates:



1.       Overview of digital rights in Zimbabwe:

This session will unpack what digital rights are, including the barriers to the exercise of digital rights. This will be an evidence-based approach on the exercise of digital rights by women in Zimbabwe. Thematic areas include gender and internet access, access to information and the right to privacy.

27 September 2022

2.       Feminism and digital rights

This session will focus on issues relating to the exercise of fundamental rights by women in the cyberspace. This will also bring out the intersection between digital rights and women’s rights. Focus will also be on the role of the internet on gender equality and inclusivity in Zimbabwe. This session will enable the participants to understand the feminist perspective behind the digital rights training.

4 October 2022

3.       Unpacking the legal framework in Zimbabwe

This session will look at the existing legal framework in Zimbabwe, analysing the provisions that impact digital rights for women. Focus will be on the Cyber and Data Protection Act, the Constitution, Entertainment and Censorship Controls Act, Postal and Telecommunications Act and National ICT Policy, among others.

6 October 2022

4.       Online Gender Based Violence

This session will unpack online gender-based violence (GBV) by making reference to the forms of GBV, case studies of such violence in Zimbabwe and its effects on the exercise of digital rights.


11 October 2022

5.       Digital safety and security training

This session will equip the participants with the necessary tools to promote safe online spaces for women, including female journalists and female human rights defenders.

13 October 2022

6.       Towards a feminist internet

This session will unpack global, regional and local campaigns and interventions that have been centred on building a feminist community online, digital empowerment of women and also online activism towards promotion of women’s rights. The session will elaborate on why feminist technology is critical.

18 October 2022

7.       Presentation of certificates and closing ceremony

20 October 2022



About MISA

The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) was founded in 1992. Its work focuses on promoting, and advocating for, the unhindered enjoyment of freedom of expression, access to information and a free, independent, diverse and pluralistic media.

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